In order to lose weight, your body must need be burning more calories than you are taking in. Sounds easy enough, right? However, many people who try and accomplish this task struggle with it for a variety of reasons, including not understanding what the process really entails or how they can measure their weight loss progress along the way.
It's important that when trying out any new lifestyle change such as losing weight, we take time to understand our personal situation so that we know which direction will work best for us personally.
We all want to look and feel our best. In this guide, we will uncover the steps you can take to work towards achieving your weight loss goals. With these tips at hand, there is no reason why you can't hit your own weight loss target.
Plan your weight loss journey
As the saying goes, "failing to prepare is preparing to fail." This phrase has been uttered for years and it really holds true. Start thinking of how you are going to lose weight - now!
Is it going to be through just dieting (I don’t recommend it)
Is it going to be a combination of exercise and dieting? (recommended)
What type of activity are you going to be doing?
Do you need professional help?
How many times per week are you going to exercise?
How long do you have for each exercise session?
What foods are you going to consume?
Do you need to prepare meals for lunch the night before?
You will find it easier to lose weight when you have a plan, whether that be for the week ahead or just one day. Make a plan and commit!
Track your weight loss
The traditional bathroom scales are not the best way to track weight changes, as they have a high potential for obsession and unhealthy habits. Tracking your weight once per week is more than enough - I recommend every two weeks so you don't get too caught up in what it's saying each time you step on them (which can be difficult).
Weight fluctuates frequently, which means that sometimes these readings will show an increase or decrease from last time while other times there might only be a change of one pound. Try focusing less on how much the scale says with each reading and instead focus on whether it's going down or staying about the same over several days' worth of weigh-ins - You'll find this gives better insight into your overall weight loss progress!
Tracking your progress can be a difficult task, but it is integral to reaching any goal. Keep track of everything from calorie intake, to workouts completed with My Fitness Pal (or another app you find more engaging).
Take photos periodically that showcase how far you have come and take measurements throughout the weight loss process. Maybe even write a diary to track how you are feeling on your weight loss journey.
Push through sticky parts of your weight loss journey
Many people start their journey to losing weight but as soon as they get to a difficult time they give up rather than push through it. Losing weight is simple, but you must be prepared to challenge yourself, be disciplined, increase the intensity of your sessions, and whatever you do, don’t get comfortable.
If you can do more, then do more. If you can increase your speed, then do it, if you can do one more repetition, then do it!
Enjoy your weight loss journey
You don’t have to suffer through a boring weight loss journey! Whether you are looking for an activity with your family or want to make homemade kebabs, the possibilities for fun and excitement on this weight-loss trip of yours seem endless.
Laugh along the way as well because sometimes things can get overwhelming but it is important that we keep moving forward. You should not be stressing yourself out about what those scales say, whether you had a bad day or slipped up once in a while (it happens). It just takes action to get back working towards your weight loss goal!
Reap the rewards of your efforts
Reap the rewards after all the hard work you put in; You deserve it! Keep the feeling of accomplishment and determination with you for as long as possible by celebrating your hard work in a way that makes sense to you - go shopping, throw out old clothes!
To keep this momentum going: start building new habits; make healthier decisions when eating out or traveling (don't order dessert!), and invest in a good pair of workout shoes if needed. Focus on being positive about yourself so others can see how awesome you've done to accomplish your weight loss goal!
What are your tips for losing weight? How did you do it? We would love you to share your thoughts to help others achieve their goals too.