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Take Our Online Weight Loss Course
Next Courses Start Dates - January 2025
Cost - £100

You’ve clicked on this page with intrigue. Can an online weight loss course be the solution to your weight loss problems? The answer is yes. After reading through all the information on this page, you will be confident that our online weight loss course will allow you to lose weight and keep it off.

The Road To Weight Loss Begins Here
Achieve the body you desire WITHOUT disrupting your lifestyle 

Your final attempt to shed the excess pounds and lose weight begins here. Say NO to toxic diets and set your journey on the right road, using our online weight loss course “The Road to Weight Loss”.


This is a new solution that helps you smash your way through the roadblocks of yo-yo dieting and unsustainable weight loss and navigate the straight road towards long-lasting success. 


The Road To Weight Loss Course provides the structure to your weight loss journey, allowing you to discover a way of losing weight that fits into your lifestyle. 


I want to let you in on a little secret... 


Long-lasting weight loss is possible—and, more than that, it can be straightforward to acheive. I’m going to show you how. 

Our Online Weight Loss Course Gets You Out of The Diet Trap
As weight loss coaches, it's our job to set you free

But first, let’s take a look back at your journey so far. 


For many people, weight loss is a never-ending journey of ups and downs. You throw yourself into diet after diet, until you realise one day that you always end up back where you started.  


This process can be painful. You put your trust in somebody; you followed the diet plan; you did the exercise; you made the sacrifices - but none of it has worked.


Does this sound familiar?


THIS moment is your make or break. You know, deep inside, that there has to be a better way. 

Well, there is! Introducing my transformational, life-changing, and very worst-kept secret (seriously, I can’t stop talking about it!) 

An Online Weight Loss Course That Puts You In The Driving Seat
Create your own solution with our online weight loss course “The Road to Weight Loss”

At The Weight Loss Academy, we make weight loss possible for every individual and every lifestyle. In just four interactive sessions, our online weight loss course will help you discover a way of losing weight that instantly fits into your current lifestyle.


Why? Because you’re going to create it for yourself!


As you’re used to losing weight through restrictive dieting and crazy workout plans, being given full control of your own weight-loss journey can seem scary.


I promise to make sure your journey is…



When you have the relevant information, weight loss is simple to achieve



A weight loss coach structures your journey so it’s simple to follow.



Due to the simplicity of the structure of your weight loss journey, you will achieve sustainable results. You will never have to try and lose weight ever again. â€‹

Create Your Weight Loss Roadmap In Just Six Hours 
Take a little time to do our online weight loss course to save time on your journey

Abraham Lincoln is often quoted as saying, "Give me eight hours to chop down a tree, and I’ll spend the first six sharpening my axe.". This means we should all spend more time in preparation so when we take action it's quicker and easier.


If you spend six hours completing our online weight loss course, you will create a plan that will allow you to effortlessly lose weight with efficiency.


You will create a way of losing weight that you believe in. Allowing you to approach your weight loss journey with confidence and excitement rather than the fear of failure.

Our Online Weight Loss Course Is Taught By Expert Weight Loss Coach Oliver James
Author of The Road To Weight, Owner of The Weight Loss Academy, and Weight Loss Expert Who Has Been Featured In Several Newspapers

You’re in safe hands when you take The Road to Weight Loss Course, as you will be taught by a weight loss coach with over fifteen years of experience helping people like you achieve their weight loss goals. 


He is the author of The Road to Weight Loss and has been featured as a weight loss expert in a range of newspapers and magazines.


Take a look at his latest feature as a weight loss coach in The Sunday Telegraph.


Your inability to lose weight is not necessarily your fault 
You, like many others, have not been addressing the real issue

Do you know how many clients come to me filled with self-loathing and a lack of confidence? They blame themselves. 


And although accepting responsibility is essential for gaining control of your own life, it’s certainly not necessarily your fault that you’ve been unable to achieve your weight loss goal in the past.


Far more likely is that all the diets and exercise plans that you have tried in the past have never addressed the real problem you are facing. 


When you first decided to lose weight, you probably started with the purest of intentions.


“I need to lose weight for my own health”; “I will go for a run every day”; “I will cut my calories”; “I will stop eating chocolate and bread”. 


These are the thoughts that run through your mind at the start. But when the pounds start to drop, that thought process changes and becomes driven by emotion.


And THIS is what so many people don’t realise about weight loss. 


While the logical part of your brain acknowledges the progress you’ve made, your emotional thinking isn’t satisfied. You start to crave the food you’ve banned, you get sick of the exercise, and your moods change. 


In short, your emotions get the better of you, and this shift causes you to over consume, procrastinate, or skip the workout you had the best intentions of doing. 


This is because any time your logical mindset and emotions disagree, logical thinking is going to lose. Emotions win every single time.

Here's how Our Online Weight Loss Course helps you lose weight
Have you met the Elephant and the Rider?

Seems like an odd question. But bear with me! 


Perched on top of the Elephant, the Rider holds the reins and seems in control. 


But the Rider’s is small compared to the Elephant, and this limits the amount of control they can have. Anytime the Elephant and the Rider disagree about which direction to go in, the Rider is going to lose. 


Your emotions are the Elephant, and your logical reasoning is the Rider.


Diets and strenuous workout plans will often fail because the Rider (your logical reasoning) simply can’t keep the Elephant (your emotional driving force) on the road long enough to reach the destination. 


In our story, that destination is your weight loss goal.


The Elephant’s desire for instant gratification completely contradicts the Rider’s strength - which is the ability to think long-term, to plan, and to think beyond the moment. 


Progressing towards your weight loss goal requires the energy and drive of the Elephant, but the logic of the Rider. 


So how can you get the Elephant and the Rider to move together in the right direction?


Luckily for you, “The Road to Weight Loss” answers that question - and so many more - with action-based lessons and theoretical understanding. 


Bring the Elephant and the Rider together for a common goal.


When the Elephant and the Rider move together, your weight loss journey becomes easier and more successful. 


Make this happen with our online weight loss course.    

Why have I not heard of this before?
I guess most weight loss coaches want you to rely on them

If you’re thinking “if this is so successful, then why haven’t I heard of it before…” then you’re probably not alone.


It’s a good question. 


But I’ve got an even better answer. 


The media exists to spit out intriguing content every single day. Its sole objective is to get you to click on an article - and it does this by jumping on trends and gimmicks, often supplemented with under-researched and incorrect claims and stories. 


Let’s look at slimming products. To be successful, they need you to rely heavily on their products. And how can they possibly achieve that if they tell you how to lose weight and keep it off?


They need YOU to keep needing THEM. And the media only serves to feed that need.


The weight loss and weight management industry is reported to be worth $251.51 billion by 2022. Yet at the same time, obesity is rising rapidly, with an estimated 1.9 billion adults being classed as overweight - of which 650 million are classed as obese.


If all of these weight loss solutions were there to help people lose weight permanently, then the rate of obesity would decrease. But that isn’t the case. The problem is getting worse. 


Ever since I joined the weight loss industry in 2008, I have had one objective—to support each client in a way that allows them to stand on their own two feet. 


I want you to become the rider who seizes control of the elephant and never looks back. I want you yo lose weight and keep it off.


Without sounding rude, I never want to see you back here again!

Don’t allow the elephant to carry you further away from your goal
Sign up for The Road to Weight Loss course today to move closer towards your weight loss goal

So, where are we now?


Your goal weight is at stake. Each day that goes by is another day where you haven’t moved forwards towards achieving your goal. 


You have two options: Either you take action today, allowing the journey to your destination to remain short and sweet. Or you wait a couple of months or even years, while the elephant carries you further away from your goal and makes the return journey even harder.


There will never be a good time to get started. That’s why you should take action today.


Because the longer you leave it, the longer it takes.

How does the course work?
This is the best weight loss course online to help you create your weight loss roadmap

This course is a culmination of everything I have taught and demonstrated, achieving real-world results, over the past fifteen years. What I am teaching is not just theory and it’s not another passing trend in the nutrition and fitness world. 


This is a course that works, combining the most transformational actions you can take to overhaul your life and your body.


  • The online weight loss course is live and interactive on Zoom.

  • When you sign up, you will be sent a Zoom link for your course dates.

  • We keep the numbers for each course low to ensure each person has an excellent, supportive, and interactive experience.

  • It is hosted over four weekday evenings (4 x1.5 hours) or two weekend mornings (2 x 3 hours)

  • The Road to Weight Loss course is made up of 8 modules that guide you through the small steps towards weight loss.

  • Each lesson combines theory with action to ensure you know what you're doing and how you're going to do it.

  • At the end of the course, you will have created your weight loss roadmap to guarantee success.

here's what others have to say about our online weight loss course
Think about what you could be saying after completing The Road to Weight Loss

"My, oh, my, I am so glad I found this weight loss course. I felt like I was destined to be overweight for the rest of my life as I had tried every diet out there. Taking The Road to Weight Loss showed me that I didn't have a strong enough weight loss plan; a roadmap to success. This isn't just a weight loss course, it's an online weight management course too. After I completed the course I went on to lose three stone and have never looked back." - Alison


"The grass is greener on the other side! While everyone is going left and falling into the diet trap, go right and follow the road to weight loss. I'm amazed at how simple it is to lose weight when you decide the actions to take to lose weight. An online weight loss course that helps you create your own way of losing weight is the way to go if you wish to lose weight and keep it off." - Lizzy


​I found Oliver to be an excellent teacher and love the way I'm able to ask questions and listen to others too. The small group format allows you to feel as though you're in it together, supporting each other and sharing stories. My weight was always on my mind, however, now I never think about it and can focus on having a good time. I lost five stone and have kept the weight off for two years now. When Oliver says you will never have to go on a diet ever again; he is telling the truth." -  Mia

How much does this online weight loss course cost? 
We are so confident in our weight loss system, that we guarantee you will reach your target weight. 

The Road to Weight Loss Course is £100​.


If you don't manage to lose weight (which isn't going to happen) we will give you a full refund.


What have you got to lose?

Now it's time for a decision
Which way of losing weight sounds best for you?

You’ve seen how you could get the body you desire without disrupting your lifestyle, by creating your own weight loss roadmap through my online weight loss course “The Road to Weight Loss”. I’ve introduced you to people who have already changed their lives using my course. AND I’ve told you how valuable, unique, and transformational this weight loss course is right now. 


The way I see it you have three options…


Option 1 - Do absolutely nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.


​If you're a procrastinator, you can read this page, do nothing and continue as normal. 


However, if you’re serious about losing weight and making your journey easier, that leaves you with two other options…


Option 2 - Do it yourself.


​You can try to keep track of all the millions of articles and blog posts that are published every day…


Then try to process all of the information and analyse all of the 100’s of “ways” to lose weight, and hope you’ll pick the right one…


You could also try another diet, but we all know they don't work long-term.


Option 3 - Let me do the heavy lifting for you.


​I’ll guide you through my proven weight loss strategy that helps you create your own weight loss roadmap.


You will discover a way of losing weight that works for you, as you will create it. With my guidance and support, you will gradually build a roadmap that guarantees weight loss success.


And remember, if you don't manage to lose weight, I will give you a full refund, so what have you got to lose?


Sign up today and let's get working towards your weight loss goal. 

Which Will You Choose?
Of these three options, ask yourself… What’s Going to Be Easier for You?

Are you an action-taker or a dreamer?


Are you someone who has found the solution they’ve been looking for and is ready to dive in?


Or are you going to continue on the road you’ve already been trying for years?


Since you’ve read this far, I think you’re one of the few special ones…


One of the few who is ready to take action and actually make it happen.


Which one are you?


It’s time for you to decide!

Book Your Spot

Do These Dates Not Work For You?


If you would like to be informed when we post other course dates, simply fill in your details below. You will be the first to know of any future course dates.

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